Sunday, April 27, 2008

I pray this blesses and encourages you

Only God can turn a MESS.........into a message

A TEST into .......... Testimony

A TRIAL...........Into a Triumph

A VICTIM ........into a VICTORY

GOD is good............all the time -PB

Saturday, April 26, 2008

One of those days

Did you ever have one of those days when all hell breaks loose? A tough overwhelming day either with a person, circumstance or perhaps both. I had a tough one today. But If God brings you to it He will bring you through it.

Jesus always gives us the mercy and strength and grace to deal with tough and challenging moments. I feel a peace right now that only Jesus can give see John 14:27. One verse I have anchored on for two decades is Romans 8:28 All things work together for good for them that love God and for those that are called according to His purpose.

The Lord is awesome and I thank God for all He has done in my life and when life gets crazed and stressed and overwhelming I remember my greatest need was met when Jesus died on the cross for my sins. If you have nothing and have Jesus you have everything and if you have everything but don't have Jesus you have nothing.

God bless you and when you read this blog please keep me in prayer for wisdom, guidance, strength, peace and patience. Love in Christ Jennifer a.k.a encourager4God

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Forgetting the past and going forward in the Lord

I love the Lord but I struggle with my past from time to time. I have shared in prevoius blogs some of the things I encountered in 2003-2004 and till this day when it comes up in my mind I am slightily resentful and feel like why did not God interefere even when I was following the Lord and doing everything right. I tend to take the trials and tribulations personally and I am asking the Lord Jesus to take this from me so I can go forward and walk in Victory.

Isaiah 43:18-19 Do not remember former things of the past nor consider the things of old. Behold I am doing a new thing do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.

I have so much to be thankful for but for some reason I "trip over" the past a lot. If you could pray for me about this when you read this blog I would appreicate it so very much. I am also in prayer about this all the time.

Jesus is the one who has seen me through all my trials God bless you and be encouraged Jenny a.k.a encourager4god "e4g"

About Me

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First off I would be nothing without Jesus Christ see John 15:5. He is my everything and my all in all. Secondly I am married to a very speical man who wants to serve the Lord with all of his heart, the gift is not so much being married although that is awesome but knowing we have a Saviour we can come to at all times for all things that we go through in our lives. We relocated from New York in January of 2007 and the Lord has been so good to us when you see this blog please keep me in prayer for the right job that the Lord wants me to have. I thank the Lord for the finished work of Jesus Christ dying on the cross for our sins so we can be saved.