Sunday, March 30, 2008

Marriage is work 1 Corinthians 13:4-8

Marriage is work plain and simple the wedding is for one day the marriage is for the rest of your life. I get compliments of how my husband and I get a long so well. I say praise the Lord we got through the first 11 1/2 years without killing one another. Because that is honestly how long it took before both of us reach acceptance of things that could not be changed about one another. We learned to love one another and treat each other right. Patience is not granted it is earned.
Marriage takes prudence, patience and lots of prayer.

The ONLY reason our marriage is as strong and vibrant as it is is not because we are so great and wonderful because we are not. the main reasons why are marriage is thriving is because Gods grace is in our lives and that Jesus is the center of our marriage. Because apart from Him we cannot do anything John 15:5.

I got this in an e-mail and it truly sums up a good lasting love. True love is neither romantic or physical true love is the acceptance of what was, what is, what is to be and what is not to be.

Shawn (and I have my husbands OK to post this because it is of personal nature) in some ways were very immature when we got married and had very high and at times unrealistic expectations of what we expected of one another and when we did not meet the expectations we got pissy/ annoyed and mad at one another.

There comes a time in every ones marriage where true love and faith are put through the test ( see my previous blog on trials) and there were times we fell short of the glory of God. In think the turning point in our live was in 2006 when Shawn and I were having communion and Shawn would not partake unless he talked to me He leaned over and put his arm around me and said I am sorry for being so hard on you. When Shawn told me he was addressed for being a deacon of our church I bluntly told him charity begins at home and walked away.
I also repented for expecting Shawn to be perfect and there were times I was resentful because it took two incomes and I wanted to be "taken care of" like my mom and stay home.

Shawn and I will be married 15 years in October of this year and we will know each other 19 years this September and moving to AZ was the best thing next to accepting the Lord Jesus into our hearts and getting married to each other. I was very emotionally attached to my mom and older sister and moving away Shawn and I have grown closer to Christ and have grown closer to one another and we have become our own family and it has been a wonderful thing to see God at word in our lives. Someone said you are lucky you are married and I lovingly told that person it is not luck it is hard work to be married, in some ways it is like a full time job, but anything of value or worth any thing does not come easy or cheap. Like my mom in law said anything worth having is worth working for. Be encouraged and God bless you e4g

Trials are a part of life as well John 16:33

All too often we focus on the negative and get "stuck" in the past and not think of the blessings and all of the good things that God has done for us. I am guilty of doing this too. Back in 2003-2004 we went through some financial hardships and I was very angry at God that he would allow this exspecially when we were trying so hard to get ahead, I felt these things should not happen to Christians who work their backside off to pay the bills. A check bounced for a lot of money causing my assets to be frozen for three months. This never would have happen if I lived at home I fumed.

But what was some of the good things that happened? My pastor and his wife lend us money we ate a lot of spaghetti and toast because that was all we could afford along with canned vegetables. At the time I was travelling 64 miles round trip just to go to work. My landlady lost her husband and she had to be away on business and we babysat her pets each time we did she took $100.00 off the rent any time we brought what little groceries we could everything was on sale, my friend had a BBQ and send us home with enough food for a week. I used to belong to a weight loss organization and they had a raffle and I won and was able to put gas in my car.

No God did not take the trial away and the reason the check bounced was the car dealership said they would wait until the next day to cash my check( the next day would have been pay day for me) and they cashed the check THAT DAY causing all our financial upsets. There were times we only could put 50 cents in the offering because that is all we had left.

I was very angry at God and dropped out of the choir and refused to sing for two years. I did everything right I waited until I was married, I go to church, I read my Bible and I pray why does not God pick on some other people for a change? I was so mad at God for not intervening if I had my way I would have stopped going to church (but Shawn would not let me)

But I learned maturity and this trial helped me to grow Psalm 119: 71 It was good for me to be afflicted so that I may learn your statues. And to be blunt I learned to grow up. This is life and life is hard sometimes even when you try to do the right things.

It has been over 4 years since all hell broke loose after I had that financial upset in 2004 My father had a stroke, I lost my job after 10 years we were asked to leave our apartment even though we were excellent tenants, and nine days after I was given notice about my job my husband had a very painful procedure/surgery done all within 4 months time. I basically had a melt down and went for counseling and to top it all off I found out that I would never be able to have children.

I felt the trials I was going through was a waste of my valuable and precious time but there was fruit, I learned gratefulness, I learned not to take food shopping for granted. I had a rude awakening just because my parents were upper middle class did not mean I was going to be. Eventually the dust settled and things did get better in a couple of months and when our anniversary came we were given gift certificates to go out to eat and we were so appreciative because for those three months there was not a penny to spare for anything. I had to pay for the bounced check for our cracked windsheild repair and by Gods grace none of the other checks bounced or were overdrawn.

My point in telling you all this is there is hope in the midst of despair and if God brings you to it He will bring you through it.
Anyone who tells you that being a Christian is easy and fun all the times is misleading you. I remember these times because it is the yesterdays that bring us to today. Are you going through a tough hard trial that will not seem to back off? Rejoice in the Lord and know that The Lord does things for a reason, s purpose and a plan. Today is March 30, 2008 and when we moved to AZafter 13 years of marriage God through my sister Kathy helped us to get this beautiful brand new apartment. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, but humility comes before honor Proverbs 15:33 God never said it would be easy but He did say it would be worth it Matthew 6:33.

I want to dedicate this post to my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ I may have walked away from you for that season in my life but you my Lord never left my side. Thank you for restoring what the years the Locust have eaten Joel 2:25 but even more important thank you for forgiving me for being so angry and hostile toward you. I love you Jesus e4g

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Hallejuah He Has Risen

Sometimes in life Holidays get commeralized and overrated with material things. Easter in no exception. Jesus was cruficied died and was buried and Rose from the dead that is the true meaning of the resurrection not the eggs, and the candy and the Easter Bunny did not die for my sins so I would be saved.

With Christ dying we would not have eternal life. Jesus is all there is Jesus is all we need and Jesus is enough. He is our strength and portion His grace is more than enough.

When celebrating the Risen Saviour take time to thank Jesus for His salvation nothing that is ever sacred or precious comes easy or cheap.
I praise God that I know the true meaning of Resurrection Sunday that it is not about the food, the sweeties, or even coloring eggs it is about Jesus who is the way the truth and the life. Be encouraged and God bless you e4g

Saturday, March 15, 2008

God is awesome and worthy to be Praised

I am reading a very good book on going through trials and in the book the way to do this is count it all joy in the trials, be steadfast in the trials and lastly to cooperate in the trials. I know of a child hood friend who went through a very unexpected life altering change and she was only 18. She said to me I can view this as the best thing that ever happened to her or the worst thing that has happened to her and she was not afraid. Her daugther was born before she graduated high school and now her daughter is in her early 20s and she is now getting married is a teacher of nursery school children and has a wonderful life.

Lifes hardships produce the best blessings and I know in my own life being diagnosed with bi polar at 16 not knowing anyone who had this, I felt ashamed and a lone. But God has used this to strengthen me and help me to grow and as a result others are being blessed and encouraged. God never said life would be easy.

Jesus is all there is, Jesus is all we need, Jesus is enough and life does not always get better when God answers prayer. Trials are a huge part of life but without them we would not grow be encouraged to know that If God brings you to it He will bring you through it.

About Me

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First off I would be nothing without Jesus Christ see John 15:5. He is my everything and my all in all. Secondly I am married to a very speical man who wants to serve the Lord with all of his heart, the gift is not so much being married although that is awesome but knowing we have a Saviour we can come to at all times for all things that we go through in our lives. We relocated from New York in January of 2007 and the Lord has been so good to us when you see this blog please keep me in prayer for the right job that the Lord wants me to have. I thank the Lord for the finished work of Jesus Christ dying on the cross for our sins so we can be saved.