Saturday, May 24, 2008

A special night and turning 39 today

Yesterday on Friday I went out with my sister and we celebrated our brithdays hers was two weeks ago today and my birthday is today and I am 39. Honestly I did not feel like going out and would have rather slept but she wanted some company so I went.

We treated eachother to Red Lobster and had soft drinks,motzerlla sticks, salad, bread, breaded shrimp and mashed potatoes which was awesome we also went to the book store and had coffee as well acutally it was iced coffee but if we had a choice we would have had starbucks:)

I read a book chicken soup for the workings moms soul and Kathy brought books, aftewards we went to Walmart for a bit and I did not get home until 11:45 pm. My huband was so good about it and knew we needed sister time.

Today I slept until about 10:00 just call me spoiled:) took a walk with Shawn and talked with him at our park where we live, we are washing clothers and doing laundy,I had leftover dinner for lunch, Shawn is so cute he tells me today I am going to suprise me with a card and a flower:) Tonight we will be with our church family for a BBQ.

I was very blessed this year but my biggest blessing is the Lord Jesus Christ who I want to get closer and more intimate with each passing day. Psalm 118:24 This is the day that the Lord has made we will rejoice and be glad in it.

Have a wonderful weekend and a Wonderful Memorial day. Remember we are the land of the free because of the home of the brave. Pray for our soldiers. e4g

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Dinner at the McCraws

Tonight was a special time at the dinner table. I have been going through depression and still am batteling this and many times more than I could count I would eat standing up eating fast so I could get back on the computer and Shawn would take his meal into the living room and eat and watch TV. Tonight I was feeling exspeically lazy dealing with chronic minegrianes since last week but I said No tonight would be special and I am going to be more intentional to make meal times speical and something to look forward to.

So....................What I did was this I set the table with our fine china and new glasses I made a nice pasta I had mine with butter Shawn likes tomato sauce (Ragu) and we had vegetables green beans. I got the nicest candle I could find and lit the candle at dinner. Shawn blesses us by going to the soda machine and we shared a coke which was a special treat and I put ice into the glasses and Shawn poured the soda.

We actually sat and had eye contact and talked and talked and talked (for me that is not an issue:) We discussed Gods will for our life and we discussed the possibility of us going into more ministry as the Lord plans, Shawn lovingly pointed out to me I cant do things by myself or always get my way about everything, but to lean on Jesus who gives us strength to do the tasks we do and to do everything because apart from Christ we can do nothing see Philippians 4:13 and John 15:5. We had instrumental music playing in the back round as well as praise music.

It was a very enjoyable night being in fellowship with my husband as well as enjoying our meal and not taking meal time for granted. Dinner at the McCraws is going to be more of a celebration and less of a ritual from now on Be encouraged e4g

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Life is NOT fair

When we were children when things would go wrong we would sniffle and cry Life is NOT fair:( As we grow up and face challenges and hurts we tend to think life's not fair, shouldn't we be over this by now and move forward) We are not like roast beef in an oven when you come out from the heat we are "all done" not so! We are a work in progress and we are "never done" until Jesus takes us home.

Life has not been fair lately in certain areas not should I expect it to be. Where is my focus, where are my priorities, who am I centering my life around? If you guessed circumstances you are right. Jesus needs to be the center, my hearts desire is to make him first.

I want to be like the Proverbs 31 woman see Proverbs 31:10-31. She was a godly woman who was intelligent yet humble business savvy yet worked both inside and outside the home. Her husband praised her at the gates he was esteemed because of her love to God her husband her family and those around her. I have not been acting in that fashion. I have been a pain in the booty and I fully admit it. Shawn is wonderful and asks that I pray for him and spend time with him. I want to be a godly wife to Shawn I want him to say thank God not "oh my God". I will be 39 May 24Th and I want to grow as a woman and a wife and wanting to have Jesus be the biggest treasure and love in my life. Be encouraged Jennifer e4g

About Me

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First off I would be nothing without Jesus Christ see John 15:5. He is my everything and my all in all. Secondly I am married to a very speical man who wants to serve the Lord with all of his heart, the gift is not so much being married although that is awesome but knowing we have a Saviour we can come to at all times for all things that we go through in our lives. We relocated from New York in January of 2007 and the Lord has been so good to us when you see this blog please keep me in prayer for the right job that the Lord wants me to have. I thank the Lord for the finished work of Jesus Christ dying on the cross for our sins so we can be saved.