Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Ephesians 4:29 What I have learned

God has been convicting me and lovingly by His grace and mercy teaching me what to say and what not to say.

Ephesians 4:29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to thier needs, and that it may benefit those who listen

I am loud and I will be the first to admit this. I love attention and I like to make people laugh and sometimes I like to shock people with what I say. I lived in New York for over 37 years and because of my culture I tend to speak what is on my mind and say things "like it is" and can be very "in your face" and passionate about the things I beleive in.

The bible verse listed above says the talk that should be spoken are to be helpful and edifying and building others up and to benefit those who will listen.

I also write better than I actually speak, but I am asking the Lord that I would be more encouraging less overly talkative, more edifying and less gossip for me this means idle talk and poking fun about people and things, to process things before saying them not just be overly impulsive and blurt things out, to have times of quiet and meditation on the Lord Jesus Christ not to always be continually talking. More time in prayer and caring for people in intercessory prayer and writing letters to people when I can and less time on the computer.

I just Praise the Lord and thank Him that he loves me enough to convict me of my sins, faults and shortcomings so I can concentrate on being a godly woman see Proverbs 31:10-31 and Titus 2:3-5

My prayer for all of you that read this blog is that you would be edified and encouraged and I thank all of you my family, friends, care group, and church family and my beloved Shawn Richard for all the love and prayers you have blessed me with. May God reward you and bless you.

Be encouraged, be blessed and celebrate life Jennifer a.k.a encourager4god

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About Me

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First off I would be nothing without Jesus Christ see John 15:5. He is my everything and my all in all. Secondly I am married to a very speical man who wants to serve the Lord with all of his heart, the gift is not so much being married although that is awesome but knowing we have a Saviour we can come to at all times for all things that we go through in our lives. We relocated from New York in January of 2007 and the Lord has been so good to us when you see this blog please keep me in prayer for the right job that the Lord wants me to have. I thank the Lord for the finished work of Jesus Christ dying on the cross for our sins so we can be saved.